
Archive for October, 2008|Monthly archive page

Post – where will it be?

In Uncategorized on October 22, 2008 at 5:54 pm

The first post to my first blog. Not a ludite, just old and not interested in talking with strangers about life. But this subject is something else. My wife is patient and polite and loves me enough to listen to me forever. But that glazed look she gets after, oh, 35 seconds of talk about the significance of a bent sabre hilt versus a straight sabre hilt tells me that I’m being cruel inflicting this on her.

So I inflict it on the web. Bwahahahaha! Talking loud enough for billions to hear! How could I have not availed myself of this power years ago!

That and it’s a convenient way to 1) write about history, 2) post pics for people who don’t live near me to seeĀ  when they ask “What the hell are you talking about?” and 3) practice web skills. Such as they are; things are so easy and automated now that it’s amazing.

Gawddam kids have it too easy today! I remember writing assember at 2:00 AM with the threat of being fired if it wasn’t done by breakfast!