
My Collection

Below are links to the pages of my collection. They’ll be updated as I get around to it.

Links that are a name indicate researched awards. Some are groups, some single awards. Most are researched, though some are not. They are listed pretty much in the order I’ve put them on the site, and as such may have comments that build on prior pages. If in doubt, read them in the order they’re listed here.

Youth: Zhmur

Alles Klar Herr Kommisar?: Avramenko

CSM #2189

Brothers in Arms: Grikurov and Lezhava

For Merciless Struggle With Traitors: Kuzmenko

Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd Class, #60059: Lubin

Medical Doctor At The Front: Tsinkin

Support – Infantry: Ivanov

A Single Medal: Seliverstov

Tankist: Kachalin

Tankist: Kostyrko (under construction)

Anti-Tankist: Halmuratov

Leningrad to the Courland Pocket: Ermakov (under construction)

Honor Redeemed: Mikhnov

PaPaSha: Zhigarev